Our History

The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Texas was chartered December 24, 1931. Prior to and including the time the State Society was formed, Mr. Wilber Leslie Evans was a member of the Illinois Society of Mayflower Descendants. If he had originated the idea of founding a Society in Texas, it would have been a natural result of his parents’ long interest in various patriotic and historical organizations. His father, Ira H. Evans, had demonstrated a talent and ability for getting things started by founding the Texas Society of the American Revolution, was one of the founders of the Austin National Bank, and the nucleus for the founding of the Texas Historical Society took place at a meeting in his home in Austin in 1888 or 1889.
Within the membership of the Texas Pioneer Association, Mr. Evans met Mrs. Charlotte (Norton) Sarratt and his sister Miss Mary Frances Norton, both of whom were eligible to membership in the Mayflower Society through descent from John Howland. Other eligible members from families and members of the Pioneer Association were located. Thus, with one bone-fide member and eleven others eligible by reason of descent the first step toward the realization of a Texas Society was partially achieved.
The need for a capable genealogist was ably met by Mr. Whitmore Morris, who was a descendant of Richard Warren. Efforts continued through friends in various parts of Texas to find additional members of the Mayflower Society.
Late in the fall of 1931, an organizational meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Edwin Oliver Sarratt, Sr. with 14 of the 20 descendants in attendance, according to a newspaper article, which appeared in a San Antonio paper at the time. Other cities where members had been located were Luling, Austin, Houston, and Dallas.
On December 24, 1931, a group of San Antonio citizens were proxies from people of other cities who were all proven members of the Mayflower Society petitioned the General Society of Mayflower Descendants for a State Charter. There are no minutes or other records available to indicate what transpired at the organizational meeting, but a fair assumption might be that it was held for the purpose of assembling the final data, applicant’s papers, etc.
Sometime later, possibly in late 1931 or early 1932, word was received that a Charter had been granted, dated December 24, 1931, and thus the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Texas was born. Subsequently, the Charter itself was received, and the first official meeting of the Society was held on Friday, February 5, 1932, in the Rose Room of the Menger Hotel, San Antonio, Texas. With Mr. Wilber Leslie Evans serving as Acting Governor, the members present officially accepted the Charter and the first slate of officers was elected.
Seven members were present, six from San Antonio: Mrs. Charles G. Starr, Mrs. Charlotte (Norton) Sarratt, Miss Alice Washburn Lathrop, Miss Mary Frances Norton, Mr. Wilber Leslie Evans, and Mr. Hobart Leslie Evans. The seventh member was Miss Ann E. Wilkerson of Austin. The following sent proxies: Mr. Arthur H. W. Norton, San Antonio; Judge A. E. Wilkinson, Austin; Mr. Robert Ring, Houston; Mr. Wilber E. Young, Austin; Mrs. Amanda (Williams) Carter, Lockhart; and Mrs. George E. Dilley, Palestine.
Cline, D.A. (Ed.) (1999) Centennial History: General Society of Mayflower Descendants 1897---1997. Plymouth: General Society of Mayflower Descendants. {Information for Texas History was taken from Founding of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Texas by Hobart Leslie Evans and additional materials provided by Mr. Donald Pray and Mrs. LeRoy (Mary Ester Deviney) Eck} pages 744-745.
Our Founders
Mr. Wilbur L. Evans
Mrs. Robert J. Boyle
Miss Mary F. Norton
Miss Ann E. Wilkerson
Mr Robert Ring
Mr. Milford P. Norton, II
Miss Evelyn B. Sterling
Mrs. Arthur E. Carter
Mrs. Gustine C. Weaver
Mrs. George E. Dilly
Miss Alice W. Lathrop
Mrs. J. Murray Ramsey
Mr Arthur W. Norton
Mrs. Charles G. Starr
Mr. Alfred E. Wilkinson
Mrs. E. R. Westmorland
Mrs. Edwin 0. Sarratt
Mr. Wilbur H. Young
Mr. H. Leslie Evans
Mr. Hobart Y. Evans
Past Governors Of The Texas Society
* Mr. Wilbur Leslie Evans-1931-First Texas Governor
* Mr. Whitmore Morris
* Mrs. Edwin 0. Sarratt
* Mrs. E. V. Cutrer
* Mr. Edwin Chamberlain
* Mr. Robert F. Redfield
* Mr. Clarence M. Redfield
* Mrs. Armond Kainer
* Mr. Earnest B. Comstock
* Miss Alice W. Lathrop*
* Mr. Herbert C. Chandler
* Mrs. George H. Likins
* Mrs. C. L. Farquharson
* Mrs. Roscoe C. Hauser
* Mr. Arthur A. Hopkins
* Mrs. Thomas H. Tomlinson
* Mr. Elmer C. Gates
* Col. J. Huntington Hills
* Mr. Joseph B. Latimer
* Mr. J. Carvel Tucker*
* Mr Homer L. Ramsey
* Mr. Edwin Oliver Sarratt, Jr.
* Mrs. Robert Leroy Allen
* Mr. Hershel Weldon Anderson
* LTC Marolf Preston Gregory
* Mrs. Edwin Savage Harris
* Mrs. Horace Jones Starkey
LTC Lawrence King Casey, Jr.
*Mr. William Jennings Newcomb
* Mr. Donald George Pray
Mr. Clarence Oscar Wilkinson
Mrs. LeRoy Eck
*Mrs. Jack Lee Vandagriff
Mrs. Barbara Williams
Mr. Michael Hodnett
Mr. William Dewitt Alsup
Mrs. Linda Hill
Mr. Bart Henson
Mrs. Peggy Jared
Mrs. Carolyn McCall
*Mrs. Carol Scarborough
* Mr. Rick Denham
Mr. Michael Nichols
Mrs. Judie Allen